Health Web-Based Application

Health Web-Based Application

Forensic Assessment Center Network


The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) established The Forensic Assessment Center Network (FACN). The FACN makes medical expertise available to Children’s Protective Services (CPS) investigators working in underserved areas of the state, and to those handling difficult cases where an additional expert medical opinion is desired.

The FACN is managed by the University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, Texas who in turn contracts with UT Health Science Center San Antonio, UT Medical Branch at Galveston, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas Tech University, and Texas A&M University. As of December, 2015, FACN physicians had served over 20,000 children from 158 counties.


Manage medical cases for patients based on status and user role

Contains content management system, allowing internal users to customize public web pages’ content

Contains video guidance for users to learn how to use the system

Backend scheduled tasks synchronize user information from other (DFPS) system and integrates user

Users can specify query criteria and choose expected fields in the report to generate customized case reports

Integrate with DICOM GRID to store and display medical images

Compliant with HIPPA data standard

Real time monitor program monitors the website’s accessibility and sends notification to admin if problem is found

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