MyDataIQ – Simplify Project Management

MyDataIQ – Simplify Project Management

An Effort To Keep The Weekly Project Meetings Fresh And Informative

The weekly project meetings are starting to seem like nothing more than a formality. Not much participation from those attending.


Every other week you, as the project manager, are expected to lead an onsite project team meeting at the field office with perspective team members from the Contractor, Inspection crew and other pertinent personnel from engineering, purchasing and accounting. These meetings are expected to be an update of the project, and is used basically for progress payment approvals to the Contractor, and current status update information used by other team members who may have a need to know, but do not attend these meetings.

It is understanding that when the meetings occurs at the end of each week that it would be difficult to continue to make every meeting informative and productive. Let’s face the facts that there are times during any project when not much occurs that needs to be delved on. To conserve travel expenses you only attend every other week in person, and during those meetings when you do not attend in person, you attend via conference calls. Whether you attend in person, or not, you are expected to see that each meeting achieves all that is possible to achieve. Also, it is expected that what is taken away from these meetings would be enough information that would allow you to speak intelligently and with great confidence about anything and everything having to do with your project.

Not a small task

Everyone attending these meetings need to have the most current project status available for review before each meeting (if possible) which should include any changes that have taken place, or expected to take place since the last meeting. You would also need to develop an agenda for each meeting as well, with a current status update and a structured agenda as soon as possible before the meetings. By doing this, it would not be too much to expect from everyone to be prepared to discuss the particulars for each of their specific project responsibilities – that is, if you got it to them in time for some review on their part. With all this said, it would seem that in order to continuously make these meetings meaningful and informative, you could easily spend all week just preparing for these meeting and nothing else.

You really could use an assistant to help with this, but there is not enough money allocated in the project budget that would make this possible – even if one were available. Let’s see what all is needed:

  • Any safety issues;
  • Progress reports;
  • Any contractual changes;
  • Current overall project status;
  • Status projections;
  • Material received;
  • Current material delivery dates;
  • Where’s the project stand with accounting;
    o Does it match what we have approved in the field
    o Does it match what the contractor is showing
  • How are the as-built drawings tracking;
  • How are the time sheets and expense statements looking?
  • Any surprises?
  • Etc.

And the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all this data at your fingertips?

All of the information needed for these meetings are in some form of data. Data in a form sometimes as simple as a timesheet, or maybe it is data entered and stored in a database somewhere. And in a lot of cases, most likely scattered in all different places. Instead of sending out emails and calling everyone, why not just hire someone to manage all this data for you? Why not have that person compile all the data and keep it all together and up to date on a daily basis, then pull all that data together in a useful format so that it can be presented in various different arrangements (depending on the audience). Of course you would need to have this person’s sworn secrecy, because you would not want just anybody playing with this data, or altering it in anyway. This person would need to be your confidant of sorts. They would need to know who to give information to, and who not to give information to, and in what form. This person would need to have a good working knowledge of various computer programs (Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe, cad, GIS, GPS, etc.). They would need to be available to receive data, reports, and general information as it comes in, and would need to be able to make sense of all of it so they could file it for you to read as you get time, or whenever you need to. And whenever you need data or information, this person would need to remember what file this information is kept in, and of course, you would expect this person to also pull relative data from other files as well.


You wonder if management would hire such a person. Of course this person would be expected to work only with you. What would be this person’s title, and what would you expect this position to pay considering a person of this caliber?

Aw, let’s face it; you’re only dreaming, and in reality, you are not looking to hire someone, you’re really asking to be cloned. And of course, your clone would need to be willing to work for nothing – right?

Well, maybe not. What about a non-human database manager that works for peanuts, and works 24/7? There is such a thing. It’s called MyDat@IQTM and it is a programed database manger designed and built by SunNet SolutionsTM. Once it is programed and customized to your liking, it will do all that was previously discussed, and more. Just a few key strokes and it will not only pull up the most current data available on one or more subject matter, but it will even present it to you in a very presentable manner. And one of the most endearing attributes it has is that it is always available, just waiting for you to call it up on your phone or the laptop you have to carry with you all the time, or any means available to access the internet. Remember the weekly meetings we were discussing earlier, well this database manager can turn on a dime, and should some updated information is provide during the meeting, just let it know this during the meeting while you are being told about it. With the changes, it will do all that is necessary with this new information while diligently keeping related databases and files updated and notified without writing over anything. You see, historical data is very important to MyDat@IQTM and it will not change any data that is incorrect or erroneous, it makes a great effort to keep all historical data in a pristine state, but at the same time, it will make sure that you have the most current and up-to-date data, or information you need, when you need it. Oh, and remember the confidant issue? Well, you can instruct it as to the read/write authorities you will need.

The real beauty of this database manager is that once you have purchased it, you can add modules that will adapt to meet almost all your database management needs; whether its project management, Integrity Management Program (IMP), even just the everyday operations and maintenance (O&M) tasks. And it will do all of these processes using all of any related data it is programed to manage, and with regulatory compliance issues at the forefront, ensuring compliance with all that you do. Imagine being in a safety or IMP inspection with either, or both State and Federal inspectors asking questions and having all the information you need with just a few key strokes, and presented it a format that will be impressive. Everyone who did not know better, would think you stayed up late for many nights just preparing for this inspection.

Get with a SunNet SolutionsTM representative and see what they have available to help you with your daily work load. And just keep in mind that MyDat@IQTM is just one item that they have to offer, so while you’re talking to the representative, ask about other ways they may be able help you.

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The Key to Maximizing Business Capacity

The Key to Maximizing Business Capacity

Business capacity can easily be increased if work progress is tracked through a good software application.
Why? It is sometimes a struggle to follow complicated processes, remember multitude of tasks that need to be completed, and on top of that, many deadlines to keep track of. As a result, we continually fix problems through a broken process. A streamlined software application is an effective tool to help people to address these challenges.


Business capacity is a broad topic. In this article we are going to focus on how it is impacted by a business software application.

Throughout all businesses, two issues consistently arise. One being unclear or too complicated processes for the employees to follow. The other issue is the lack of a monitoring system over the work progress. Some of the work requires several parties’ collaboration to finish, resulting in incomplete or even forgotten task items. Even when fully completed, many projects are not delivered in the way they were originally intended to be. Companies attempt to resolve such problems by adding extra management resources to monitor. Unfortunately, the problem still is not fully resolved and the management cost increases.

Many years ago, K-Mart filed for bankruptcy. Due to the lack of an effective system with the right business process, their workers found major difficulties in navigating through complicated inventory management and purchasing process. They did not have a clear picture of their inventory status as they purchased their supplies in short time and had limited periods to compare or negotiate prices. While losing customers, their profit margins shrunk as well.

When examining successful businesses such as Amazon, Toyota, GE etc., it is apparent that they utilize a multitude of advanced software applications to build a streamlined business process and maximize their capacity. Such methods ease the process of expansion as they possess a clear and simple process for their employees. When the whole system is monitored, the service quality improves, productivity increases, and the duration of the work tasks is decreased.

This applies to services companies as well. As a service company, manpower cost is one of the largest areas. These costs will increase exponentially without such a system in place to monitor tasks and track whether progress and resources have been appropriately planned. From resources to manpower to time allocated, various critical factors must be taken into consideration.

There are a myriad of ways to approach using a software application to manage a business. One of the most common methods is through custom web application. It is the friendliest way to manage a business with multiple parties involved throughout the process. Furthermore, mobile applications are important for businesses if services are performed on the field.

When an organization has a simple process to follow and it is supported by accessible software applications, they can expand more efficiently. This creates a strategic advantage over its competitors.

SunNet is, and has been for 18 years, one of the most experienced software web and mobile application developers in the state of Texas. Its clients include organizations in higher education, government agencies, and businesses of all sizes in the private sector. SunNet Solutions focus on helping clients examine their challenges and provide consultation and software application solutions to help them overcome the obstacles to increase profit. With further questions, concerns, or inquiries, contact Lesslie Hernandez, Email: Tel: 713-783-8886 Ext 112

Four Easy Areas you can Lower Operation Costs

Four Easy Areas you can Lower Operation Costs

As your business grows and competition gets tougher, many organizations look harder for ways to lower operation costs to remain competitive. As a company specializing in web applications and business efficiency, we recommend checking your organization in the following areas as a starting point. These are a few places where you can cut costs without compromising the quality of your goods and services.

1. Does my organization’s staff spend a significant amount of time on accessing and centralizing information?

Accessing information from various people, places, or even multiple stand-alone systems often becomes a huge problem for mid-sized and large organizations. As a result, time spent on providing clients’ with information significantly increases. Many oil and gas companies today still face the challenge of centralizing and systemizing information from their vendors. Organizations lacking an efficient way to centralize information and documentation often spend a significant amount of time on creating reports or documentation in the event of an audit.

Having a centralized document storage or getting a secure web application should be a top priority. Many organizations greatly cut back operation costs by lowering the time wasted on people waiting to access information.


2. Has your team complained about challenges in collaboration and assigning resources?

Before we talk about any details, let us do a quick check. How many people will be able to report the exact status of all their pending tasks within 5 minutes? Some of the common complaints regarding team collaboration refer to not being aware of others’ work statuses and resource assignments. When project teams exceed more than five members, these problems become more serious. Many projects have unnecessarily high costs due to the lack of effective teamwork.

While, managing small numbers of people, assigning tasks to team members can be easily done. However, with a larger staff, it becomes more difficult to manage and monitor the workers’ productivity without a proper system in place. This is a huge problem for any organization.

Productivity is raised when workers work better and more efficiently with each other. Transparency and timely delivery of critical details for collaboration are crucial. Web applications are the most effective way to achieve transparency and timely updates. Many organizations use it as the platform for all of their employees to perform their job tasks. With it, managers can easily oversee workloads, statuses, and distribute work tasks to specific members or teams.

3. Does your staff feel there is a broken process or slowness within the operation?

Let us use an approval process as an example here. The business approval process takes time and people often waste valuable minutes, hours, or even days on feedback. With emails, the processes are indeed much easier to manage. However, they often get lost or misplaced. Emails cannot remind you of tasks that need to be taken care of. Web application becomes your best assistant in keeping track of all these tasks. You can set different statuses for your process and turn it into a streamlined workflow to help you prioritize and organize, notify yourself or the next person, and check back as needed. A great application should simply update the task status, and upload related documents with the click of a button. The system will automatically notify the next person or group in charge, inside and outside of the organization.

4. I feel my business is already very efficient. But why is my cost still so much higher than my competitors?

How much can we see from the surface? Continuing, repetitive, and detailed data analysis will help discover the facts behind the scenes.

It is essential to continually update and reassess your operation’s efficiency as the market changes and your business expands. One can only improve when able to pinpoint areas where they are lacking. In the past, problems became known only once profits began taking hits. Now, businesses are beginning to recognize the importance of self-conducted analysis and how many underlining problems can be revealed with such analyses. Current technology can turn even the most complicated logic into program codes which will perform the analysis for you. This can significantly save time and greatly increase productivity, especially when the process is highly repetitive.

The list goes on and on and so far we have barely skimmed the surface of cost-cutting techniques with technology. Each business’ case is unique. If you work with your business and closely analyze its processes and costs, you will find areas where costs can be cut. As a business owner or leader, it is important to collaborate with the opinions of others and share common issues. Before you know it, you will see an easy path to resolve your problems.

If you experience any of the items listed above, the next step is to meet with your team for an in-depth discussion. As always, when your operation changes, new things may come up. Continual and repetitive productivity analyses is a model for long-term success. Feel free to contact us and ask for assistance! To know more about SunNet, click here to download our brochure.

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Legacy Modernization: Out with the old in with the new

Legacy Modernization: Out with the old in with the new

Technology is always evolving and with that, so should our systems. The modernization of a system is the process of evolving restrictive, legacy technologies to modern technologies while keeping the original business logic and data. Although it may seem like a significant investment (both time and monetary) at first, you will see benefits in the long run. Below is a list of a few common benefits.



  1. Save Cost: Maintaining legacy systems can get very expensive. Business needs and processes are constantly changing and legacy systems make it difficult to adapt to such changes. A company will spend about 60%-80% of its IT budget maintaining their legacy system. Most of these costs come from maintaining old code and functionality that requires programming languages that only a very few developers know how to work with anymore. With modernization, we move towards easily available modern programming languages. In addition, we also see savings as systems move away from onsite data centers and move towards the cloud.
  2. Increase Staff Productivity: When modernizing these legacy systems, you are also addressing many technical limitations from the previous code as well as difficult user interfaces, both of which affect staff productivity. The modern system will be easier to diagnose and fix whenever an issue arises. Furthermore, performance will also see improvements.
  3. Remove Technological Limitations: Legacy systems normally rely on outdated technologies. Not only do these outdated technologies have limitations that modern technologies alleviate, but, as mentioned earlier, the skills required to maintain these technologies are disappearing into the stone age. It has come to a point where finding the skillset for these technologies has become a huge challenge, and with that making any kind of enhancements.
  4. More easily scalable: By moving over to modern technologies, you are facilitating enhancements and growth. We already spoke about having easily accessible resources, but furthermore, with modernization, you are also opening yourself up to integrations with other 3rd party software. Third party software can be used to share data, authenticate users, use features like Google Maps, etc.
  5. More Secure: Legacy systems tend to be less secure from cyber attacks and malware. Many vulnerabilities can be addressed by updating your legacy system.

Many companies are aware of the need for modernization, but are hesitating. Taking the leap can be intimidating, but with the right IT partner, you can come up with an efficient strategy to smoothly make the transition. Contact us to take the first step towards modernization.

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The Centralization Tipping Point: When Should I Consider a Data Centralization Strategy?

The Centralization Tipping Point: When Should I Consider a Data Centralization Strategy?

When a company first starts up, early employees work long and furious hours getting the business going. Data and documents are easily tracked and shared between departments and stakeholders, if for no other reason than because the other so-called department is the person sitting next to you.

As companies grow, however, data becomes more critical to a larger number of people. Information can get fractured and data integrity can be compromised. Collaboration amongst many people becomes important, and having a single document or localized data can cause delays and bottlenecks.

There is a tipping point when centralization of data means accelerating your business outcomes or spending more time on internal operations than you do on the business of your business. The question is: How do you know when you’ve reached that tipping point?


What is Centralization?

Centralization of data, assets, and documents can most easily be described as a single place for information to be stored so that it can easily be accessed by multiple people in the organization.

The benefits of centralization are numerous. These are just a few:

  • Information integrity: Centralization of information creates a single source for data, content, and assets. This creates a system of records and a source of truth for important information
  • Access: Whether you have employees in multiple offices, remote employees, or team members who frequently travel, a centralized system can provide access to important documents and data no matter where they are
  • Security: Securing company information is top of mind for organizations of any size. A centralized system permits access control to occur in a single location, increasing security and operational efficiency
  • Removes bottlenecks: Centralized data and assets mean multiple stakeholders have access to information at the same time. No waiting around for a file to be emailed from one team member to another

Knowing When to Move to Data Centralization

Centralization may sound great, but in truth, it makes more sense for some companies than it does for others. How do you know if it’s the right time for data centralization for your organization?

Do you have groups that need access to data or assets for different reasons?

If multiple departments or individuals need access to documents, files, or data for different purposes, it’s probably time to move to a centralization strategy. You’ll want each of these groups to have access to the most current and most accurate information for their business needs.

Do you have teams that travel frequently?

There is nothing more frustrating for a salesperson – or a sales prospect – than having to wait for someone else to email them a document. If your sales, account, or delivery teams have a need for self-service access to a number of assets, having that information centrally located increases efficiency.

Do you have multiple locations or remote workers?

If you have people located across the country or the world, whether in multiple offices or with a distributed workforce, centralized data and assets allows team members to get the information they need from anywhere.

Do multiple stakeholders need access to data in a timely manner?

If multiple team members or leaders need access to information – say, the company’s annual budget, marketing materials, or documentation – asking them to wait for someone to share it with them slows down the pace of business.

Do you have audit or security requirements around some assets?

If you have information that needs careful access controls, or are subject to audits, having the data and access centrally located speeds monitoring and management of permissions and access.
Asset centralization isn’t necessary for every company. Yet for companies with specific needs, centralization can accelerate business outcomes, improve operations, and create efficiencies around security and compliance.

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