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MyDataIQ – Simplify Project Management
An Effort To Keep The Weekly Project Meetings Fresh And Informative The weekly project meetings are starting to seem like nothing more than a formality. Not much participation from those attending. Every other week you, as the project manager, are expected to lead an...
The Key to Maximizing Business Capacity
Business capacity can easily be increased if work progress is tracked through a good software application.Why? It is sometimes a struggle to follow complicated processes, remember multitude of tasks that need to be completed, and on top of that, many deadlines to keep...
Four Easy Areas you can Lower Operation Costs
As your business grows and competition gets tougher, many organizations look harder for ways to lower operation costs to remain competitive. As a company specializing in web applications and business efficiency, we recommend checking your organization in the following...
Day 1 – Wednesday Nov, 23
9:00am – 9:30am
Main Hall
Opening Statements
By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator
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11:00am – 12:00pm
Room 3
Designing For Mobile Devices
By John Doe, Mobile Designer
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
1:30PM – 2:3pm
Room 2
Giving Your Brand a Voice
By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist