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Revolutionize your business with our all-in-one custom software development, maintenance, reporting, and much more.
The Importance of Site Accessibility Scans
The intent of the internet was to democratize information, making news, data, and vast amounts of knowledge available to everyone, everywhere. For the most part, the spirit of that intent was achieved. People across the globe have access to books, art, and information...
Simplify and Reinforce Your Learning Management System
Organizations that invest in a learning management system, or LMS, have a powerful tool at their disposal. These systems, like Moodle, are flexible and configurable. However, having a system that can be customized to meet a company’s needs comes with challenges. These...
Discover the Root Cause of High Failure Rate within Custom Software Development
On Oct. 1, 2013 Healthcare.gov first launched and promptly crashed two hours later. A mere 6 people nationwide enrolled in the health care plan that day. The final budget was an astounding $1.7B (initially estimated to cost $93.7M). Various media outlets and analysts...
Day 1 – Wednesday Nov, 23
9:00am – 9:30am
Main Hall
Opening Statements
By Amir Ali ,Event Coordinator
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11:00am – 12:00pm
Room 3
Designing For Mobile Devices
By John Doe, Mobile Designer
Mauris id finibus tortor sed urna velit sagittis ut tristique a finibus id mauris
1:30PM – 2:3pm
Room 2
Giving Your Brand a Voice
By Jason Roberts, Content Strategist