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Saving Money and Four More Reasons to Move to The Cloud

Saving Money and Four More Reasons to Move to The Cloud

We have all been in a situation where we stayed up working late hours on a project– numerous files and documents saved– only to come back to discover the files are now missing. Maybe they were accidentally deleted, your hard drive crashed, or your laptop was stolen. If your business is utilizing cloud-computing for backups, then this situation is an easy stress-free fix.

What your software vendor wants to know

What your software vendor wants to know

You’ve come up with a great idea for a software that can prove to be very beneficial to your business, but now what? What steps do you take to turn this idea into reality? What kind of information do software development companies look for? These are all very common concerns. The first step is…

Is Application Maintenance Needed?

Is Application Maintenance Needed?

Many businesses believe that once their application is developed and deployed, it only needs to be touched if they desire new features. This view, however, doesn’t take into account the many facets of application maintenance, and how it can help improve the user experience or even…